Second beginning. Just when she thought she couldn't be more stupid...

 Some time went by and they started talking to each other again.  It was there, when she learned about the consequences of the message she sent to his daughter.  He told Carmen that his daughter had put him in "the shit" list and gave him a third grade.  Why?  Why all that fuss!? Well, he told the story about how he thinks he destroyed a marriage.  Some mother of some kids known to his daughter.  And Carmen couldn't help but think: what the heck does this have to do with me?

She told him that, among other things, no one can "destroy" a marriage.  If someone else can sneak in and break it, it was because there were big cracks already and all that marriage needed was a pry bar to break into pieces.  She knew it well because she had problems during her 20+ year marriage, they had issues like any other couple.  They were separated at some point as well.  But being not loyal was not in her book.  

If you are tired of your relationship just let it go.  Don't fool around, don't play games.  Unless you are in an open relationship, that's a very disgusting thing to do.  Then he told her that regardless of her real situation, as long as her ex-husband was sharing the same roof with her they would have to keep it kinda secret.  Because you know... his daughter.  Oh well, and people.  Because people pay your bills and care for you when you are sick.  People.  

Carmen did not understand and thought it was just not ok.  It was HER life for goodness sake!  Shouldn't it be her the one worrying about keeping a fake facade and hide stuff and all that? Looked like her private life was other people's business.

Guess what happened? Yeah... she fell for it again.  Bless her heart.  There she was again, clinging to a hope on something that would never happened.  But she trusted him.  She loved him.  With all of her heart.  She wanted to trust him and she would do anything for him.  He knew it.  And he took advantage of it once again.

And once again, Carmen had silent weekends, lonely nights, being reached out when Brett's privates required attention... She was being used once again.  Mercilessly.  She was being laughed at, right on her face yet still, she loved him so much she trusted every word he said.  She fed her hopes on the thought that it would be worth it, all the wait and all the sneaking, just waiting until the ex finally moved out.  Now if you take two steps back and look at the whole situation from a different perspective, it really takes some stupidity to believe those excuses and fall for those lies.  Yes, they would confide, share experiences, talk about things.  With a very slight difference:  she was deeply in love with  him while he didn't really give a fuck about her. 

But oh, love... it can really make us numb.  You believe because you want to believe.  For a short time, lying to yourself hurts less than facing the truth.

Yes, she had tried to stop texting him for days... for weeks.  Did he care? Take a wild guess..
